School opens at 7.30am.
The school day begins at 8.30 with breakfast club. Lessons begin at 8.45am, with the day ending at 2pm.
Sessions are 45 minutes in length with 30 minutes for lunch and a short morning break.
Staff are available until 4pm for any queries relating to your child.
Term dates are located at the bottom of this page; click on 'essential info.'
Students are expected to wear the Hopefields uniform proudly.
The Montana Project (Post 16 learners) wear a grey marl hoody and learners in KS3 and 4 wear a dark grey marl sweatshirt. These options are available directly from school.
A white or black T-shirt or polo shirt with no obvious branding is to be worn at all times, or a black Hopefields T-Shirt. The T-shirt can be long or short sleeved and in a fabric of the student's choice.
Students wear their own choice of trousers and footwear. Sliders, sandals, ripped jeans and shorts cut above the knee are not acceptable. The Hopefields curriculum means that your child may come home messy or dirty. As a result, trainers and old/worn trousers are encouraged.
Facial piercings are to be removed for the school day and to be replaced with clear studs.
Hopefields cannot accept any liability for dirty, damaged or ripped clothing sustained as part of the curriculum within school.
The Hopefields complaint policy is found in our 'essential info' section, located at the bottom of this page, as in the complaint form and bullying form whereby you may report an incident of bullying.
Firstly, please do call us on 01642 205233 and we will aim to deal with your concern immediately.
Lunch is provided for all learners as are snacks and drinks throughout the day such as biscuits, fruit and raw vegetables.
Sweets, chocolate and energy/fizzy drinks are not to be brought in to school.
Termly reports are generated and sent to parents three times a year, in late October, February and late May. A parent's day for new students is held in early September, and a further sessions to meet your child's teachers, look through work and books etc, are diarised periodically.
Your child's class teacher is always on hand to discuss any concerns outside of these times on email. Please direct, in the first instance, to:
Parents and carers must alert the school office by 8.45am if their child is not attending that day. Excellent attendance is crucial to improving outcomes for young people and so we appreciate your support in this matter.
Hopefields are guided by statutory law in regards to attendance. If your child's attendance falls below 95% at any given time, further action will be taken to ensure improvement.
Exams are held throughout the year, in May and June, although functional skills examinations may be held at any point in the academic calendar.
Your child will be given an exam timetable to plan revision sessions and independent learning.
Hopefields are committed to keeping children and young people safe, and ensuring they have a full access to healthy and positive relationships to create success in life.
Carers are requested to take part in the curriculum content and are invited to do so at the start of the academic year each September. The SRE policy is located in the 'essential info' section of the website, for parent and stakeholder perusal.
Hopefields recognise the positive and rewarding impact having a young person with additional needs has on the child and the whole family. We know that at times it can also be challenging.
Some staff and have lived and current experience of Autism and SEN as a whole. Emily Isbell, SENCo can advise parents on the local offer, signposting to services and other organisations if further help is necessary.
Parent drop in sessions are planned across the academic year and shared with all parents via email.